Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tips to care dry hair in winters

You take special care for your skin in winter and it is very much essential to look after hair too. Hair and skin get dry in winters even if you gottch yourself oily face or hair. To avoid the dryness and fuzziness of hair, here are few tips you must go through to look different from your friends.

1.Count on oils that must be massaged on hair because they help in blood circulation as well as give portions to each and every root of hair. Apart from that oil massage will combat dryness.
2.To massage hair you can take any natural oil that contains Vitamin E or Vitamin Das these contains the property to nourish your hair plus reduce hair shedding. To get healthy hair in winter twice hair massage.
3. Avoid hot water rather go for warm water in winter to wash and clean your hair. Hot water can do harm to the hair and allow shedding than normally it does in natural climate.
4. Cover your hair if you go out with wet hair in winters because cold breeze harm your hair and damage without your announce.
5. Keep yourself away from shampooing regularly. Though drying of hair is common in winters and excess of shampooing will make hair drier than ever. The hair exactly goes thinner gradually.
6. After every wash, apply conditioner and hair serum in winters to enhance the beauty and shine on hair.
7. Split ends are common in winter and the person having dry hair get much affected by it. To avoid the trouble, trimming of hair will be perfect. Get yourself a trendy haircut.
8. You must choose conditioner containing moisturizer because it gives liveliness to dead hairs in winters and nurtures the hair which is made up of karatine (a protein) as well as nails.
9. Egg pack conditioner is also preferred in winters for giving natural shine and inner health of hair in winters.
10. Avoid using of hot rollers, hair dryer, styling iron in winters. If hair drier is necessary then set it to low so that it do not harm your hair. Excess drying of hair through hair drier will crisp your hair like chips that breaks easily.

Follow the tips because they are useful and you need no machine or spending money on costliest parlors which are really a money sucker these days in cities.  

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