Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blocks in your journey to weight loss

It is been irritating when you are in a mission to lose inches but gradually it seems that the workout you are doing is not worth it. The shedding off kilos is not much progressive, and then you might have not given full concentration on the weight loss management. In this article we will make you know your faults that are blocking the path of weight loss. Learn from the mistakes you have been doing annoyingly.

Out of reach targets

Most people set big goals like setting 10 Kilos loss in a month which is unhealthy after all. Such quick results will definitely affect your health. In chance of shedding, you start missing meals and found starving. This will only lose muscles not fat, actually this simply cause deficiency of vitamins and minerals in your body. To avoid the loss, you must set half a kilo weight loss in a week and then 2-3 kilos in a month. This is an ideal calculation you must shed weight and focus on healthy diet.

Mood swings
Most people think that eating the desired food items for several days and then following the strict diet after it, is a way of fooling yourself. Don’t be jackass just follow healthy diet each day because overnight you are not going to lose 4-5 kilos instantly. Don’t expect the miracle to happen as it takes several days to lose inch by inch with proper controlled diet and exercise.

Dishonest on workout
If your instructor has given you set of exercise to do then complete the total set. Cheating or dishonest on exercise by missing out the counts is easy and it’s obvious that your mind will ask you to, but you must not listen to it. If you are advised to perform 30 sets then divide the sets to 15 and workout. Do not skip the count.

I’ll start tomorrow
Waiting for tomorrow is for losers and hope you are not. Eating high calorie meal a day will double the carving the next day. If you lost 2-3 kilos in the routine and start eating by giving support to yourself that ‘yes I gonna lose it again’ then you are wrong. You will find out that your weight is still there where you started from. So, stop eating high calorie food from today onwards.

Emotional eating
If thinking that you are stressed out and need a reward of chocolate then this is called emotional eating. It also
happens that when you’re angry or frustrated you start eating much then the limit. Do you know why this happens? Actually the body needs much energy and to fulfill this demand more carbohydrate rich food is needed to calm the system by releasing the feel good hormone- serotonin. This exactly triggers next time and you do the same all over and again. Instead you must drink a glass of milk (cold preferable) that will help you to tackle stress and improves your health.

Less sleep
If the sleep is broken up or interrupted then it will lead to hormonal misbalance which will gradually retain water and force you to jump over snacks or appetizers. Research proves that less than five hour sleep daily makes you feel hungry throughout the day. Hungry feeling urge you to go for sweets, cookies etc over veggies and fruits. So, it is advised to have fixed sleep by going to bed at perfect time i.e. 10 pm.

Bad timing for exercise
It is better to do exercise early in the morning. If you missed out the time then feeling of doing exercise dies. Here comes the block in your journey to lose weight. Organize schedule for workout at gym.

All these were the blockage that happens to obstruct your thoughts to do exercise to lose weight.

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