Saturday, April 28, 2012

Hair Loss: Cause, Prevention, Treatment and Home Remedies

Having long hair is everyone’s desire and of course you might be having too so you are here. Despite of using several market products you could not help your hair not to lose then do not worry because here are few tips to stop hair loss naturally. Due to excess hair loss leads to baldness which is found in both the sexes. It is true that if baldness or hair loss runs through your blood then yes you will definitely face hair loss problem. It is believe that a normal person loses 50-100 strand of hair daily and if it exceeds than it’s serious.

In men hormone called testosterone administrate the development of beard, armpit hair and body hair. Whereas in females the hormone estrogen prevents the growth of hair in chin rather promotes on head. There are various causes for hair loss like pregnant ladies shed hairs due to increase level of oestrogen (temporary), thyroid dysfunction, deficiency of folic acid and excessive intake of vitamin A causes hair loss.

Okay, if you undergone through hair loss trouble for many years than you can prevent hair loss by not washing hair with extreme hot water. Twice a week you must wash your hair with mild shampoo and do not comb hair backwards. If you are massaging your hair with oil then rub vigorously for 10 minutes to stimulate blood circulation. These were the methods you can go through to prevent hair loss.

Hair loss treatment and Home remedies
  1. Mix honey and egg yolk on scalp and leave it for half an hour. Egg contains protein and hair is made of protein.
  2. Soak 1½ teaspoon of fenugreek seeds (Hindi: methi dana) overnight in 2/4 cup water. Grind the soaked seed into fine paste and then add 2 tablespoon yogurt to it. Apply on scalp and wash it after 2 hours.
  3. Massage head with 1 tsp of castor and almond oil for 10 minutes twice a week before shampooing.
  4. Soak triphala overnight in water with shikaki. Grind the mixture in blender and apply on scalp, leave it for 2 hours and wash your hair without using shampoo because shikaki itself is a herbal shampoo.
  5. Mix 2½ tsp of milk powder, 1 tbsp of wheat germ oil and 1 egg in a bowl. Massage the scalp with it and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash it with mild shampoo.

Homemade Shampoo
  • Indian goose berry (Hindi: Amla) – 100 grams
  • Reetha
  • Shikakai
  • Water – 2 liters

Take all the ingredients in a pan and reduce it to half. Use this shampoo on hair at least once to thicken your hair.

All these were the tips and if you want to go for all the five tips then try one at a time in one week. Don’t over do it and the far most important thing is that taking care from heat. Go natural and avoid artificial products who promise to ratify the problem within few days.

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