Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tips to care dry hair in winters

You take special care for your skin in winter and it is very much essential to look after hair too. Hair and skin get dry in winters even if you gottch yourself oily face or hair. To avoid the dryness and fuzziness of hair, here are few tips you must go through to look different from your friends.

Repair Hair Breakage in Home

In spite of using the branded hair products like shampoo and conditioner, the young ladies found unsatisfied with hair breakage most often. Using branded shampoos and conditioners is not enough. Despite of using these costliest hair products, the hair breakage continues then here is the solution for you. Fret not! follow my tips to get break through this common problem.

Blocks in your journey to weight loss

It is been irritating when you are in a mission to lose inches but gradually it seems that the workout you are doing is not worth it. The shedding off kilos is not much progressive, and then you might have not given full concentration on the weight loss management. In this article we will make you know your faults that are blocking the path of weight loss. Learn from the mistakes you have been doing annoyingly.

Out of reach targets

Kitchen Tips to Reduce Sunburn

Sun is near and sunburn is obvio. Sunburn is a condition that is caused due to excess exposure of UV lights. Our skin has defensive pigment- melanin that helps from harmful rays. When there is extreme contact of sun light the ability to protect skin degrades. In many cases sunburn can lead to skin cancers (in extreme case). You must stay away from sun when it is too bright and the exact timing is 12 and 3 PM in summers. Protect yourself with sun glasses, cotton cloths fully covered, sunscreen lotion and a scarf. Don’t keep yourself dehydrated so, have plenty of water. In spite of your best efforts your skin gets exposed to sun and suffer from sunburn then here are kitchen tips to reduce sunburn

Body Spa at home

In this hectic life every person need relaxation and if you are one of them then body spa is best option for you. Due to body spa treatment the body becomes soft and all the dirts get cleaned up. The body spas are too costly and if it hurts your pocket than try body spa at home. Follow the below procedure to perform body spa at home.

Hair Loss: Cause, Prevention, Treatment and Home Remedies

Having long hair is everyone’s desire and of course you might be having too so you are here. Despite of using several market products you could not help your hair not to lose then do not worry because here are few tips to stop hair loss naturally. Due to excess hair loss leads to baldness which is found in both the sexes. It is true that if baldness or hair loss runs through your blood then yes you will definitely face hair loss problem. It is believe that a normal person loses 50-100 strand of hair daily and if it exceeds than it’s serious.