Monday, November 1, 2010

Don’t comb in wet hair?

No this is absolutely wrong conception that hair gets tangled and falls in wet hair.
Wet hair helps you to comb properly from root to tip.
Always comb for 2 mints in wet hair that gives you a message. Try not to use very fine teeth comb at first because if you have curly hair then it might get shade. Use a big teeth comb then a small teeth comb.
Don’t get surprised that you had shaded 20-30 hair in a day because it is scientifically proved that shading hair 20-30 is normal. If you shade less then it’s perfectly fine. You need to worry if it shades more than 50 & its serious issue.
If your head is nasty, oily and dusty then it’s obvious that your hair is gonna shade.
So always keep your hair clean.

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