Monday, November 29, 2010

Herbs hair care

Brahmi (Centella asiatica leaf )
Promotes hair growth.
Shikakai (Acacia concinna pod)
Leaves hair clean & shining.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Get rid of Pimples

Your skin needs Vitamines A,B, E.
But vitamine B is very much needed to remove pimples or any skin problem.

T Remove pimple in 8-10 days follow following steps after washing your face with oil-free face wash: 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Home made Tips

1. Mix 1 medium-sized grated apple 
    1 tbs lemon juice and 2 tsp honey.
Apply this paste , wait for 10 min.,then wash off with warm water.
This mixture is good moisturizer for oily,acne prone skin.

Remove dark spots.

Dark spots are called pigmentation.
The easy way to remove them are as follows:
Apply coconut water/ red onion juice/ lemon juice/raw potato juice with jacket all over the affected area.
Do it for 2 weeks definitely you will get results.

Stop hair fall.

You must be sick and tired of using market products and no results.
Hair gain is a long time process but loss is just a matter of days.
I am going to give you tips to maintain your hair in better and easy way.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oily Face problem


If you wash your face daily but still gets oily?
Want to stay grease-free then try these oil- erasing idea:
Wash your face in the morning and at night with a facial cleanser containing Salicylic acid , which exfoliates skin to zap zit-causing bacteria. Wash again after school/college/office/any work from outside if your face feels extra-grimy. If your T-zone means forehead nose and chin gets shiny mid-day then use an astringent or wipe with oil-blotting papers.

Plump your thin lip

If your top lip is small and not visible then there is something you can do to plump it up.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Don’t comb in wet hair?

No this is absolutely wrong conception that hair gets tangled and falls in wet hair.
Wet hair helps you to comb properly from root to tip.
Always comb for 2 mints in wet hair that gives you a message. Try not to use very fine teeth comb at first because if you have curly hair then it might get shade. Use a big teeth comb then a small teeth comb.
Don’t get surprised that you had shaded 20-30 hair in a day because it is scientifically proved that shading hair 20-30 is normal. If you shade less then it’s perfectly fine. You need to worry if it shades more than 50 & its serious issue.
If your head is nasty, oily and dusty then it’s obvious that your hair is gonna shade.
So always keep your hair clean.

Razor burn after shaving

Few rules for shaving:
Firstly, make sure the body hair has been wet at least 4 to 10 minutes before you grab a razor.
For legs: Smooth on shaving gel and straighten your leg, pulling the skin taut (this position cuts down on nicks). Gently glide the razor upward, using long, even strokes and trying not to pass repeatedly over any area.
For underarms:  draw the shape of a cross with the razor as you shave. That will catch any hair growing in different directions.
For the bikini line: Gently shave downward, using tons of gel. To soothe skin post-shave, slather on a non-alcohol- based cream.

Tip : The newer the blade the closer the shave. Ditch old ones after about 5 to 7 uses.